Harry and Alice Hopkins
28 October 1948 - 22 May 2017
A Love Story by Alice Hopkins Once upon a time, a long long time ago, a young girl lived in the country. She loved to ride her bike and play on a big tree swing. One day, she met a young man, whom she liked a lot. They were very young and dated a little while before deciding to marry. A recession had just ended and the war was won. People were poor, but surviving. The young couple didn't know how they were going to live or where, but they loved each other. The young man was very smart, so he bought some land and hoped to build a house.
birthLocation:Both were born in Alexandria Virginia
deathLocation:Both passed in Fredericksburg Virginia
memorialLocation:Laurel Hill Memorial
hometown:Locust Grove Virginia
parents:Harry: John Wesley and Mary; Alice: Charles and Alice Sisson
siblings:Alice: Bibbie, Hazel, Charlie, Earl, Leslie, Jerry
maritalStatus:Married nearly 69 years
children:Hoppy, Roy, Susie, Wesley, and Faye
grandChildren:Theresa, Sherry, Harry III, Fredy, Stevie, Kim, JW, Christina, and Wayne
hobbies:Love to Dance